These housing units are proposed to be along one of the major streets in Troy, New York. Rendering is a collaboration with Jonathan Dietrich
Rendering is a collaboration with Jonathan Dietrich
This diagram shows how each layer of the wall system comes apart
These housing units are proposed to be along one of the major streets in Troy, New York. Rendering is a collaboration with Jonathan Dietrich
785 River Street
Architectural Design Studio 5
Darnell Clement
Jonathan Dietrich
Erik Pedersen
For this studio, my team was given the task of developing a project that had already been started by another team of students (Caterina Guozden and Rebecca Dailey). The objective of the project was to create mixed-use building in a high-density residential neighborhood in Troy, NY. Our goal was to create housing units that provided for both an opportunity for privacy and the availability for communal space. There are three housing units. While each is designed to have one bedroom, the building structure allows for a floor extension to be put in, in order to create additional living space. Each unit is multi-story, at one and a half floors per unit, and has a private staircase. There's a convenience store that bridges the ground floor and the second floor. There's an operable window system that allows each unit access to private space in areas of optimal sunlight, which also acts as a thermal barrier for the interior of the building.